25 January 2012

Men's Zip Up Cardigans

It's a chilly, but beautiful sunny day today here in Japan!
But unfortunately curtains remain closed, because our apartment is under repair to fix cracks in the outside wall. It got damaged a lot by the repeated earthquakes.
More than 8 months have passed after the big earthquake, but it's still continuing.
We feel quakes a few times a week. I wish it will cease soon...


Now here are 2 zip up cardigans for my husband and my father!

for my father (size S)
This brown one is for my father. I got this knit fabric 100yen/m at ZAKZAK in Nippori. It is smooth and expansive velours.  Cheap, but nice fabric!

for my husband (size LL)

This time I used the piping foot for the first time! I got excited to find it so quick & convenient!

This book contains many simple and versatile patterns for men; T shirt, cardigan, jacket, pants and more. And same as the previous post, these patterns also include seam allowances.I really love this authors pattern books : )

pattern : 『ロックミシン・メンズークライ・ムキのLaLaLa4』
      (Overlock Sewing for Men  LaLaLa4  by Muki Kurai)
      ISBN 9784529045834


  1. Tae, I am sorry to hear that you are still experiencing earthquakes. I hope they stop soon!
    Your cardigans look very smart!

  2. Hi Sharon,

    Thank you, your words are really warm for me as always!

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